Kate 1st October 2020

In a world where we face so many boundaries our friendship knew none. Not time, nor distance, nor race, nor culture. We lived together, laughed together, cried together. We have lived 6,000 miles apart and laughed together, cried together. We are not just friends; we are not just best friends; we are a sisterhood. The BBB. Tope’s beautiful smile lit up every room she walked in to. She had the kindest soul and the most infectious laugh. She told you straight what you needed to hear and held you close when all you needed was a cwtch. She was strong, brave, fierce and immensely protective of those she loved. In Welsh we would say: “Mae alaw pan ddistawo Yn mynnu canu’n y co'.” (“Your melody may be silenced, but your song will always sing in our hearts.”) True friendship is not about being inseparable it is being separated and nothing changes. We will continue to love you always, Kate and Rhiannon, your BBB x